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Showing posts from April, 2024

Module 2 – Working with Data in Pandas (Dataframe Analysis)

  Module 2 – Working with Data in Pandas (Dataframe Analysis) Source:  1.  [Stock Markets Analytics Zoomcamp] Module2 “Working with Data in Pandas” ( 2. Module 2 Homework In this homework, we’re going to combine data from various sources to process it in Pandas and generate additional fields. If not stated otherwise, please use the  Colab  covered at the livestream to re-use the code snippets. Question 1: IPO Filings Web Scraping and Data Processing What’s the total sum ($m) of 2023 filings that happenned of Fridays? Re-use the [Code Snippet 1] example to get the data from web for this endpoint: Convert the ‘Filing Date’ to datetime(), ‘Shares Offered’ to float64 (if ‘-‘ is encountered, populate with NaNs). Define a new field ‘Avg_price’ based on the “Price Ra